Server Upgrade & DC Migration of Server (SG)

As part of our commitment to providing the best possible service to our clients, we are upgrading server and moving to the SoftLayer DC, SG from DO, DC. The new server will be running the latest cPanel, PHP and perl versions. There wont be any downtime except a minor changes of URL. This upgrade is a major event for this server and the outcome ... Read More »

16th Dec 2015
UK Server Upgrade & Migration

As part of our commitment to providing the best possible service we can to our clients we will be upgrading the server hardware that the UKSRV1 server is running on, over the weekend of the 5th & 6th December '15. The current servers hardware is getting long in the tooth and is running some outdated legacy hardware. The new servers ... Read More »

4th Dec 2015
Server Hardware Upgrade & Migration of Server3 (US)

As part of our commitment to providing the best possible service to our clients, we are moving to the brand new server from the Server3. The current servers hardware is creating repeated performance related issues, so we are migrating to brand new server which gives much better performance. The new server will be running the latest cPanel, PHP ... Read More »

3rd Dec 2015

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